Sunday, November 25, 2012

Darwin, Swami, and Titis

Swami (Sanskrit: स्वामी Svāmi [sʋáːmi]) sometimes abbreviated "Sw." is an ascetic or yogi who has been initiated into a religious order or to a religious teacher.  Hindi svāmī master, lord, prince, used by Hindus as a term of respectful address. 

As my Beard and I stroll casually but optimistically down the road of life we bump into a swami. 

Swami leads "Hey Tim.  Your Beard still doing that blog?"
Beard replies "Hey Swami why you talking to him?"

Our story's wiseman begins to stare off into space, like we all know a swami will do, with thoughts so weighted by wisdom that they fall to the floor like chuteless basejumpers.   The seconds tick by laden with anticipation of the knowledge sure to come.  I subconsciously lean forward in my loafers.

"I was thinking," he says "if we are to believe in evolution then we are to believe that the common monkey is our ancestor"  I begin to respond but my Beard warns me not to.  "Also, if the strongest of us men wear a beard, would it stand to reason that natural selection has chosen beards as a dominant and needed trait in society?"

"I am intrigued" Beard says in a curious yet questioning tone. "Proceed"

Swami reaches the peak of his intellectual stimulation with "Wouldn't you then assume by these two statements that our beards are passed to us through our primate cousins? and if that is the case.." drum roll please....."How come I haven't seen one monkey with a beard?"  ....crickets....thundering silence...and then more ...crickets....He adjusts his turban, slow blinks (for dramatic effect), turns and walks away.

We part ways with the swami but not with his words as they have caused us much concern.  We believe in evolution and the powers of the beard.  Much research and book reading have ensued followed by a google and visit to wikipedia.  The proof at the bottom of this blog is the end of the ripples in our pool of tranquility caused by the stone that was the swami's argument.

The Bushy Beared Titi Monkey (red) and the Brazza "Swamp Monkey" are proof of our species long line of beardly-ness. 

Myth Busted. 
Evolution is proven true again
this time by two monkeys and the powers of the Beard.

Random side note : Went to The Peculiar Rabbit and Soul Gastrolounge tonight.  That neighborhood is full of facial hair.  **note to Beard and self to do a feature on the hair growth in that hood**  Great food and service at both.  Stand out dish from both was the 'Devils on Horseback' at the Funny Bunny. 

Happy Anniversary Mrs. Faye!
Your threshold for tom-foolery and a minor beard obsession is second to none. Love you.

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Dear Commentee,

My Beard and I request you keep comments free from bias and prejudice. Actually that was just me requesting that. My Beard says you can write whatever you please so long as you feel fit to bear the repercussions.